Dimensions: deep, long, high, wide (≠ narrow)

How long is the Colorado River?

It’s 1,450 miles long.

depth, length, height, width

Associe les adjectifs aux noms:

Impressions: spectacular, breathtaking, impressive,

unique, outstanding

Formes contractées de l’anglais américain:
The highlight of your day is gonna be the Studio Tour.

We gotta line up for tickets.
They’re gonna be late.

I gotta buy a ticket.

She’s gonna visit the studios.

They gotta take the bus.

 Match (exercise 1 page 142):


This is an earthquake drill.

Right now, drop, cover and hold on.

Protect your head and neck with your arms.

Now look around.

This drill is over.

Thank you for taking part in the great California shake out.

di'saster – 'elevator – e'mergency – e'vacuate – 'hurricane – in'struction – 'radio – vol'cano

In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.

Six skyscrapers stood snugly side by side, shimmering by the seashore.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?