Angel Island is an island in San Francisco Bay where officials detained, inspected, and examined approximately one million immigrants. It is sometimes being referred to as "The Ellis Island of the West". From 1910 to 1940, Chinese immigrants were detained and interrogated at the Angel Island immigration station. Due to the restrictions of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, many spent years on the island, waiting for entry into the United States. They began carving poetry on the walls of their barracks.
search engine (moteur de recherche) - start-up - headquarters (siège d'une entreprise) - privacy - user - targeted advertising (publicité ciblée) - censorship (censure) - upload - download - files (dossiers)
browse - a browser - a computer - software - personal data - privacy
I use my computer very often, at least twice a day. I use it to surf the Web and write emails. I love using the Internet but I know I must be careful.
Connais-tu le vocabulaire de la leçon ?
Compréhension écrite
- Grammaire:
Je sais exprimer l’antériorité (past perfect - had + participe passé)