PRESENT PERFECT BE +V-ING 1. Present perfect en -ING click here 2. Choose the correct answer click here 1. Reorganise the sentences click here 2. Put the sentences in the correct order click here 3. Put the words in the correct order click here 4. Matching exercise click here 5. Compléter les phrases click here 6. Faire des phrases click here 1. Put the words in the correct order click here 1. Phrases interro-négatives - Remets les mots dans l'ordre click here 2. Ecris les questions click here 3. Put the words in the correct order click here 1. Present perfect simple and progressive QUIZ click here 2. Present perfect simple or continuous ? click here 3. Present perfect simple or continuous ? click here 4. Present perfect simple or continuous ? click here 5. Conjuguer à la forme qui convient click here 6. Choisir entre since et for et conjuguer les verbes click here 7. Fais 2 phrases - Ex: They've been playing football for half an hour. They haven't scored any goals. HOME GRAMMAR 2 PRESENT PERFECT tagPlaceholderTags: Grammar2