1. LET'S GO SHOPPING - games
shop (UK) = store (US)
trolley (UK)
= cart (US)
1) Drag and drop the words under the correct pictures
(2 pages cliquer sur NEXT à la fin du premier jeu) click here to play
2) Shops in the city (memory game) click here
3) Shops and Shopping - Matching Quiz 1 click here
4) Shops and Shopping - Matching Quiz 2 click here
5) Shops quiz : where can you buy…? click here
6) Choose the name of the shop click here
7) Shops and Shopping - Word Search (Click on the letters to highlight the words as you find them) click here
8) Paint the things the same colour as the shop you'd buy them in. click here
10) Crosswords shops click here
11) Trolley dash game Vous avez 60 secondes pour faire vos courses ! click here
a) Mémorisez bien la liste de courses
b) Remplissez votre caddie en cliquant sur les articles
c) Cliquez sur LIST pour revoir la liste en cours de jeu
LE GENITIF (révisions)
2. CLOTHES - games
trousers (UK) = pants (US)
pants (UK) = underwear (US)
jumper (UK) = sweater (US)
trainers (UK) = sneakers (US)
3. Take the QUIZ - clothes and colours click here
(click on the dice to play)
(read the description and find the right clothes for the teddy bear)
10. Put on your clothes before it starts raining! click here
(appuyer sur la barre d'espace pour attraper les vêtements)
3. MONEY - games
1. Listen and repeat (passez la souris sur les images pour entendre la prononciation des mots) click here
Exercice 1 : Saurez-vous reconnaître les noms dénombrables et indénombrables ? Participez à cette course automobile pour le savoir...
2. Comment quantifier des indénombrables ?
3. How many ou How much ?
4. Les quantifieurs
5. Are you a shopaholic ?
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to
impress people they don’t like.”
spending = dépenses - purchase = buying - earn = gain money by working
Confessions of a Shopaholic - Watch the trailer.
1- Are you a shopaholic ? Take the personality quiz
5. YOUR TASK : You are going to organise a class survey on shopping habits.
Révisez les adverbes de fréquences avant de procéder à la rédaction de votre quiz.
1. BANKSY - Shop Until You Drop
"Better Out than In" - In October 2013, Banksy stayed one month in New York and produced one work of art daily.
Chaque bonne réponse vous permet de lancer le ballon. Faites glisser le joueur avec la souris pour le positionner, cliquez pour lancer.
Banksy is a famous British street artist but his real identity is unknown. Very
little is known about where he comes from although there are rumours about who he might be. Try to find who he
1° Rédiger un paragraphe sur Banksy et les suppositions
qui ont trait à son identité (1/2
2° Choisir une de ses œuvres, la décrire et faire des suppositions sur son but (présentation orale).
Envoyez le lien de la photo à teacherletang@orange.fr au plus tard le 10/10/15 (précisez bien votre nom et votre classe).
La totalité du travail doit être effectuée en anglais. N'utilisez pas de traducteur en ligne car les mots doivent être traduis en contexte, pour cela utilisez plutôt un dictionnaire en ligne). Le plagiat est formellement interdit. Ne faites pas de copier-coller d'articles non plus, j'utilise un logiciel qui me permet de retracer la provenance des textes en m'indiquant les coordonnées du site d'origine. Vous devez rédiger dans vos propres mots. Afin de pouvoir émettre des hypothèses, revoyez les modaux de probabilité dans les exercices qui vous sont proposés ci-dessus
Quelques images choisies par la 3ème A :
The documentary film ‘The True Cost’ explores the impacts
of the fashion industry and draws attention to its current unsustainable practices. The film highlights a global challenge between the decrease in the price of clothing whilst human and
environmental costs have dramatically increased.
Filmed in countries all over the world, from India to Texas, from the Fifth
Avenue to Bangladesh, the documentary asks its audience to question the fast fashion business model. Watch the trailer:
1. How green are you? click here
Match the environmental words with the right meanings
2. What can you do to help the planet? click here
(tap: robinet)
Put the words in the right order to make a sentence
4. How green are you? TEST 1 click here
(unplug: débrancher, organic: bio, faucet (US) = tap (UK), trash :
rubbish (déchets), reuse : use again)
Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since the early 2000's, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US, and most major retailers offer promotional sales. It has been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005. In 2014, $50.9 billion was spent during the 4-day Black Friday weekend. Black Friday also occurs in the United Kingdom. One of the UK's first black Friday events took place in 2003.
2. Watch
pepper spray : bombe lacrymogène, pummel : beat with the fists, trample/stampede : walk on, mob: violent crowd, dash : mouvement de foule, injury : harm done to a person, collapse : s’effondrer, s’évanouir, stabbed : poignardé, gift certificate : bon d’achat, pregnant : expecting a baby, shop lifting : vol à l’étalage
Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of protest against consumerism. It draws attention to the problem of over-consumption. In North America, Buy Nothing Day is held on the Friday after Thanksgiving; elsewhere, it is held on the last Saturday of November. Buy Nothing Day was founded in Vancouver by artist Ted Dave.
Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950’s in Britain and in the late 1950’s in the United States. Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture. It uses aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and ordinary cultural objects.
Roy Lichtenstein /ˈlɪktənstaɪn/ (1923 – 1997) was an American pop artist. During the 1960’s, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the basic premise of pop art through parody. It was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style.
YOUR TASK : Create your own Pop Art work
1. Choose a picture of an everyday life object symbolizing mass consumerism
2. Go to CONVERT IMAGE, transform it in a Pop Art style
3. Download your new picture. click here
4. Send it to teacherletang@orange.fr (don't forget to write your name and class).
5. Vous présenterez vote création en classe, expliquerez en quoi cet objet symbolise la consommation de masse et donnerez votre opinion.